All Categories - Melbourne Physical Theatre School
21 de enero de 2025 ·
Bouffon is a satyrical, grotesque physical comedy grounded in mockery. As a formalized style of...
14 de junio de 2024
As promised here is the article. HERE
18 de mayo de 2023
The movement doesn’t mean something, it is something. Mimo Dynamique training is a type of...
31 de diciembre de 2022
I dare you to make your theatre work radically theatrical. I dare you to return to the roots of...
20 de diciembre de 2020
In the aftermath of a collective melancholy, a physical and mental depression, an emotion which...
17 de septiembre de 2020
On Sunday 6th September my housemates and I, a crew of physical performers, decided that cutting...
Xylitol doesn't taste like sugar and it doesn't give you that high. The inexplicable desire of...